Honorary President of Essex CW ARC

To recognise the the work he has put into furthering Essex CW and the CW mode in the Amateur Radio world the Committee has cordially invite G0IBN Andy Kersey to be our very first Honorary President.

Andy Kersey G0IBN

Essex CW is an established Amateur Radio Club. Andy, G0IBN, is of course a Founder Member who has been at the forefront of supporting our members for over 15 years. Since the club was founded, Andy has led by example and has pro-actively helped to raise the profile of our club, both nationally and internationally. Andy has ensured that our club encourages, maintains and promotes the use of Morse code on the Amateur Radio bands. Andy has also personally encouraged a good many of the Essex CW members to ‘practice, practice, practice’ and ‘get on the air’.

Andy has championed the teaching and practice of CW and is a recognised RSGB CW instructor. In a professional role Andy was a Telegrapher in the Royal Navy. As an Amateur Radio operator, he is a member of the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society (CARS), Royal Navy Amateur Radio Society (RNARS), CW FISTS Club, the First Class CW Operators’ Club (FOC), the High Speed Club (HSC) and the Straight Key Century Club (SKCC).

The appointment of a club ‘Honorary President’ recognises a highly committed individual who has supported and made an exceptional and significant contribution to the club. That is certainly very true of Andy.

We sincerely hope that Andy will remain as an active member of committee and continue in his roles of teaching, mentoring and leadership.

Many congratulations Andy.

Keith Law G3WGE

Essex CW Chairman